martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

The Ultimate 50's And 60's Rockin' Horror Disc

I''m the Wolf Man - Round Robin
2. Ghost Train - The Swanks
3. Monster Hop - Bert Convy
4. The Vampires - Archie King
5. The Cave - Gary ''Spider'' Webb
6. Igor''s Party - Tony''s Monstrosities
7. Voodoo Voodoo - Lavern Baker
8. Werewolf - The Frantics
9. Midnight Monster Hop- Jack & Jim
10. Graveyard - Leroy Bowman
11. Watusi Zombie - Jan Davis
12. I Was A Teenage Creature - Lord Luther
13. Red Ridin'' Hood & The Wolf - Bunker Hill
14. The Big Green - Igor & the Maniacs
15. Morgus the Magnificent - Morgus & The Three Ghouls
16. She''s My Witch - Kip Tyler
17. The Cave part 2 - Gary ''Spider'' Webb
18. Vampires Ball - Mann Drake
19. Monster Holiday - Lou Chaney
20. Night Of The Werewolf - Lee Kristofferson. The Ultimate 50's And 60's Rockin' Horror Disc.rar

1 comentario:

  1. Hola te escribo desde barquisimeto venezuela, queria agradecerte el aporte y por compartir tan genial recopilatorio, afortunadamente el link de mediafire todavia existe, amen de esperar que no lo denuncien y no lo eliminen. muchisimas gracias y saludos!
